What is "Academic Probation"?
Academic Probation and Continued Academic Probation
Students are placed on Academic Probation if they were on Academic Warning or Continued Academic Warning their last term, continue to have a cumulative GPA below 2.0, and do not have a term GPA that is 2.0 or higher. If you are placed on Academic Probation you will receive an email from the college. In that letter we will let you know that are are required to complete a Probation Presentation in Canvas and meet with an Academic Counselor in order to register for the next quarter's classes.
Students are placed on Continued Academic Probation if they were on Academic Probation their last term, continue to have a cumulate GPA below a 2.0, but during their current term they earned a term GPA of 2.0 or higher. You will receive an email from the college if you are placed an Continued Academic Probation and are required to meet with an Academic Counselor before they may register for their next quarter classes.
Financial Aid Probation
If the student’s Appeal is approved, the student will be placed on Financial Aid Probation. The student’s financial aid will be reinstated; however, as part of the approval, some conditions for reinstatement may be imposed. If the student does not meet the conditions of the probation and reinstatement, the student will be suspended and lose eligibility and financial aid.