What is the "To Do List"?

Why do I have "Tasks" in ctcLink?

SCC uses the "to do" or "task" list to help departments like Financial Aid and Counseling tell students what they need to do in order to complete a process. Sometimes you will see a note about a required financial aid form or process or maybe you will see a list of prerequisite courses needed for your program. The prerequisite list typically does not get updated as you complete your classes so don't panic if that list looks the same from quarter to quarter. However, it is important to review these items closely and do what they say so you don't miss an important step in your enrollment or financial aid process. 

Here are some steps to view your "to do" or "task" list in ctcLink

Navigation:  Student Homepage

  1. Select the Tasks tile.
Student Home page

2. The To Do List page displays.

3. Select a Task to view its details.

To Do List page

4. The Task Details page displays.  Review it.

5. Select the X to close the page.

Task Details page

6. Depending on the nature of the Task, the Task Details page does not display.  Instead, an Activity Guide comprised of a series of steps displays.

7. Select the Task.

To Do List page

8. The Activity Guide page displays.

9. Complete its steps, selecting the Next icon to move to the next step in the sequence.

10. Select Exit to return to the To Do List page.

Activity Guide page

Process complete.