Building your Profile

For online classes it can be important to add information into your Canvas profile so your instructors can better connect with you. This includes adding a profile image, setting your pronouns, and might even include a short bio. The information you provide can be a way to bridge gaps in communication and further personalize your Canvas and online experience. 


Let's get started!

Editing your Profile

Editing your profile will require you to navigate to your Canvas profile:

  1. Go to Account, the top option on the leftmost navigation bar
  2. Go to Profile
  3. Select the more options button (three vertical dots) in the far right corner
  4. Select edit profile from the drop-down menu
  5. Now you will be able to adjust your profile image, add pronouns, write a short bio, or add links to social media.

screenshot of steps to edit profile.

Tip: When done editing don't forget to select Save Profile so your changes aren't lost!

Profile image

Once in your Profile editor you can add or update your profile image by clicking into your profile image. From there you can either upload a image from your device or if your computer has a webcam, take a picture to upload.

blank profile image with an edit icon with text that reads click to change profile pic

Tip: When taking a profile image it can be helpful to follow these steps:

  1. Elevate the camera you are using to take your profile image so it is at eye level. A stack of books works great!
  2. Look at the camera lense and not at your screen.
  3. Set your camera up so that there is more light in front of you than behind you. Natural light is always flattering!
  4. This is the profile image your classmates and instructors will see whenever you are in Canvas. A smile speaks volumes!

And remember, you can always take another picture if it doesn't turn out how you want. 

image of someone taking a picture in canvas with their webcam


Canvas also allows users to select their preferred pronouns. When editing your profile you will find the current drop down list below your name. Canvas does not allow users to write in their own pronouns so if you find that your are not properly represented please submit an addition through our pronoun form Links to an external site..

image showing the drop down list of pronoun options in profile settings

Tip: When you select your pronouns they will display after your name in various areas in Canvas, including:

  • Comment Fields
  • Discussions
  • Inbox
  • People Page (Course and Groups)
  • User Navigation Menu
  • User Profile Page
  • User Settings Page

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