What is "Final Suspension"?

Step Out and Step Back

Sometimes this just isn't the right time to be in college. Being human is a messy business and at times, we all need a break to slow down, look at our priorities and get our lives back on the right track. After four consecutive quarters of a GPA below 2.0 we will ask you to step out of SCC and take a break for one year. Too many quarters of low grades will impact your financial aid eligibility and your path to graduation. When you feel ready to return, you will meet with the Vice President of Student Services and together the two of you will decide on the best way to get you back into classes and be successful.  You will also meet with a counselor to help you plan a path to successful re-entry, antipate any obstacles and connect you with all of the fantastic resources available to support you and your learning. Use this form Links to an external site. to start the conversation about your return. 
