How to Drop Classes

Watch how to drop a class in ctcLink

Classes can be dropped online, however some classes must be dropped in person.  You can do this on the main campus at Bigfoot Central in Building 15 Links to an external site. or at your local center Links to an external site..  Check the Important Dates Links to an external site. for the last day to drop classes and the Academic Calendar Links to an external site. for important quarterly and yearly dates.  

Step 1: Click on Student Homepage

Screenshot of ctcLink landing page. Click on Student Homepage buton


Step 2: Click on Manage Classes

Screenshot of Manage Classes in ctcLink


Step 3: Click on Drop Classes then click on term, be sure college is SCC

Screenshot of Select a Value page, click on Drop Classes. next click on term and college (SCC)


Step 4: Select class you're wanting to drop. Click next in top right corner

Screenshot of Select Classes to Drop. Select class and then click next


Step 5: Verify correct class, click Drop Classes in top right corner

Screen shot of Drop Classes screen. Click on Drop Classes button


Step 6: A pop-up ensures you want to drop the selected class

Screen shot of pop-up confirming dropped class


Final Step: Confirmation you have successfully dropped selected class(es)

Screen shot of confirmation of dropped class