How to Add Classes
Watch how to add classes in ctcLink
You can sign up for your classes online. Remember, registered classes can be adjusted up to the first day of the quarter. If you have concerns about your classes after registering be sure to meet with a counselor.
Step 1: Click on Student Homepage
Step 2: Click on Manage Classes
Step 3: Click Class Search and Enroll. Next click on term, be sure college is SCC
Step 4: In Search for Classes, enter course subject or other keywords, press enter and select desired course from search results
Step 5: For more information on classes, click the link under the class column and it will pop up a window providing detailed information, i.e. if there are any prerequisite requirements, books, etc.
Step 6: Once you have decided which class best fits your schedule, select that class
Step 7: Click next in upper right corner once you have selected desired class
Step 8: Click accept in the upper right corner
Step 9: Select enroll or add to shopping cart, click next
Step 10: To submit, click submit in right corner
Step 11: A pop-up will appear to finalize the added class
Final Step: Confirmation of selected class
You can also enroll in classes, view wait lists, or drop classes in the ctcLink Mobile App Links to an external site.. For more information go to the ctcLink Mobile App directions Links to an external site. online.
Always check your list of registered classes after adding or dropping courses to double check that your schedule is accurate.