
Find Rubric
Keep in mind that 34 students have already been assessed using this rubric. Changing it will affect their evaluations.
Assignment Outcome
Assignment Outcome
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Concepts Applied
Responses to each question must incorporate key concepts from the week's materials. To fully demonstrate your understanding of these important concepts.
threshold: 10 pts
10 pts
Fully incorporated key concepts
6 pts
Some key concepts missing
4 pts
Few key concepts incorporated
0 pts
Absence of key concepts
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Follow Instructions
Complete work as described in the assignment with proper grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and meeting the length requirement.
threshold: 10 pts
10 pts
All directions followed
8 pts
Some directions followed
4 pts
Few directions followed
0 pts
Did not follow directions
10 pts
Total Points: 20 out of 20