Our goal is for you to be able to locate the gradebook for each of your courses and be able to identify the different tools that you have available to understand the grades you have received.
Let's get started!
Understanding the Gradebook
Watch the video below for an orientation to the Canvas Gradebook using an internet browser. This is how you will access the Canvas Gradebook on a computer.
To follow along:
You can open Canvas in a new tab or window.. Pop back and forth between the video and your own Canvas dashboard to practice.
206 - Grades Overview Links to an external site. from Instructure Canvas Community Links to an external site. on Vimeo Links to an external site..
Tip: To get updates on when grades for assignments, quizzes, and exams are posted, make sure to set your notification preferences. That way Canvas will send you emails directly to your inbox when your work is graded.
You can also access a courses gradebook when inside a course. Click Grades from the navigation bar to access the Gradebook for the course you are currently in.
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