Mental Health Counseling

Free Mental Health Services for All SCC Students

Mental health is an important aspect of student life. It can affect your happiness, ability to study and learn, and the way you interact with others.

The SCC Mental Health Therapy Interns are here to help you maintain your mental health and provide you with useful resources.  The interns are completing their Masters Degrees at local universities and are qualified to provide individual, and group therapy. Therapy can occur in person or online.

In addition to therapy services the staff also offer a number of workshops that are a one hour look at important topics for you as a student.  Another service, Let's Chat, offers a drop in or scheduled time to meet with a coulseor with no obligation for ongoing meetings.  Let’s Chat counselors can listen to specific problems, help explore solutions, and introduce you to what it’s like to speak with a member of our staff.


Links to an external site. Links to an external site.

Here is the link to our webpage:

SCC Mental Health Links to an external site.


The Mental Health Clinic is located inside our Student Health Clinic, in Building 7, Room 118.  Call (509) 533-8611 for an appointment or schedule from the clinic website linked above.


If you have further questions please reach out to Ronda Hain (509) 533-8647 or at

Community Mental Health and Wellness Resources

National Suicide prevention lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Frontier Behavioral Health 877-266-1818 24/7 crisis line: MHP’s will come out to evaluate

North West Behavioral Health 509-635-3573 Contact person: Sean Coen 509.638.3575

YWCA: trauma informed shelter for survivors of intimate partner domestic violence, their children and pets 509-326-2255

YWCA: 24 hour hotline, answered by a domestic violence advocate: Call: 509-326-2255 | Email: | Text: 509-220-3725

YWCA Mental Health/support and therapy for survivors of intimate partner domestic violence 509-789-9297