Module 3 Ojectives and Overview-3
In this module, we look at two very disparate genres of popular music--India's Bollywood tradition and country western music. One comes from the Asian continent and the other from our own rural backyard, so to speak. I chose to look at Bollywood because it comes from a culture that has quickly risen as an economic power on the world stage. Today, modern country has become one of the biggest selling genres in popular music, along with rap and pop music (remember pop is a sub-genre of popular music).
- To demonstrate a knowledge of how older sub-genres of country compare with modern.
- To demonstrate a knowledge of the things that helped make Hank Williams popular and why Williams is an important figure in the development of country music.
- To demonstrate knowledge of what is Bollywood and how it compares to the Hollywood film industry.
- To demonstrate a knowledge of common themes in Bollywood cinema and how those reflect Indian culture.